Cupshe WW

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You are not allowed to bid on any trademark keywords and use TM + keywords such as “CUPSHE + keyword”. Otherwise, you will be deactivated from the program! We kindly ask you to use codes from admitad’s system or provided exclusively for you. If you promote a code of another publisher or use a code from Cupshe website, your order will be declined.

CUPSHE is an international online fashion and beauty retailer which is featured with Bikini ,Combining trendy designs with affordable price tags, we are dedicated to bring you all the latest looks. CUPSHE is a young team ,and we care a lot about customers’ shopping experience, we do have a guarantee for our products and service,and we also offer them with easy return and friendly refund policies.

Affiliate Program Features:

Earn Up to 10% Commission on All Sales. 30 Days Cookie. Great banners and text links available. Dedicated Affiliate Program Manager. Monthly newsletter with updates on promotion, contests and sales opportunities Don’t Bid on CUPSHE related keywords have a look on our PPC policy

Benefits for Your Customers: 

Diverse styles of Products Available Popular Products Recommendation on Cupshe Social Media  Affordable Price with adorable high quality All-day-around Customer Service  Latest Website Offer notification