Desertcart WW

Промокоды Desertcart WW и купоны на скидку (Январь 2025)

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Прошедшие акции Desertcart WW:

Desertcart is one of the leading e-commerce in UAE & GCC. We have more than 100+ million products, sourced from suppliers/wholesalers from US, UK, UAE & India. We work on different models to serve customers with the cross-border products which are not available or very hard to find in the particular region. Recently we have launched in more than 164+ countries, which allow customers from any region to buy products through a single online portal.

Target Audience: 100+ million products which would be suitable for any demographic, we are open for all types of audiences provided that they are willing to buy cross-border products and get it delivered to their doorstep without any hurdles.

Please, note: brand bidding is not allowed.