Eduonix [CPS] WW

Промокоды Eduonix и купоны на скидку (Январь 2025)

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Прошедшие акции Eduonix:

Company Description : Eduonix learning Solutions is the premier training and skill development organization which was started with a vision to bring world class training content, pedagogy and best learning practices to everyone’s doorsteps . Eduonix aims to identify and provide the best learning and training environment. It identifies industry veterans and content creators around the globe and bring it to the global audience using number of intuitive platforms for easy and affordable access to quality content. Eduonix offers easy to understand online courses and workshops for everyday people. If you have ever wanted to learn a new skill, but don’t want to attend four years of college to do it, we have a solution for you.

Campaign Description :

Eduonix provides an opportunity for the publisher to earn commission every time on eligible purchase that you will drive for Eduonix through admitad’s affiliate link.

Target Geo’s : Worldwide (Top selling Countries are India, USA, UK, France, Nigeria)

Cookie Time :15days

Allowed Traffic sources: Mentioned in the traffic sources tab.

Tracking : Online 

Conversion Flow: 1. User makes any purchase through Admitad’s Link. 2. Sale is counted & credited.