Wismec WW

Промокоды Wismec и купоны на скидку (Январь 2025)

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Прошедшие акции Wismec:

Hello All My Friends,

Wismec is a company from China where electronic cigarettes and high-quality kits are sold with good customer services. Wismec may not be a brand that people are familiar with at the moment but we have been inside the e-cigarettes industry for a long time. Our company have recruited the finest R&D talents, highly trained and talented product designers, detail oriented sales professionals and innovative corporate leaders and they have been with us since then. 

We want to carry out a cooperation of the affiliation program in Admitad, so our products will be promoted and our company will be better developed with all together. We will offer the commission up to 11,54% of each sale to the affiliate and the affiliation platform. Wismec´s average amount of sale is about one million dollars each month.

Wismec is committed to helping our affiliates succeed by offering:

1. Easy and free to join.

2. Comission for paid order is 11,54%.

3. Free review samples available for excellent reviewers.

4. Dedicated affiliate team to support your demands.

Here you have the link to read more information about Wismec: https://store.wismec.com/

Welcome to WISMEC. 

Best Regards, Wismec.com